
81276298 81276298

公司名字: 未来网 (Future Net)

世界营销排名:第二名 (No. 2)

国家:德国和波兰 (Germany and Poland)

核心业务:(Core business)

  1. 在线广告 (online advertisement)

  2. 在线零售 (online retail)

  3. 特殊大项目 (Special mega project)

  4. 数字货币(Futurio, FTO)


(This job can be full time or part time. The job scope is posting ads on social media, which is the stable division in the FN company. The profit from advertisement is stable, just rising and no falling. Any initial capital is ok to start. The minimum capital US500 shall lead to best return. The lower capital than US500 leads to a bit low return. The company pays commission daily and staff can withdraw cash at any time.)

