油池, 蔡厝港Novena,劳明达地铁,男生房间,女生间普通房非中介费

85339119 85339119

Room for Rent :

Kovan MRT @ Blk208 hougang st21 have male room 458,480 ,single room $580.no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

Ang Mo Kio single room for rent ,male room for rent , whatsapp or msg to 85339119

Bukit Batok MRT @ Blk158 Bukit Batok st11 have male room,Single room, share room $480-520 - 650 .no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

Lakeside MRT @ Blk 471 Jurong West St41 have male room,Female room, share room $450-480 .no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

Kovan MRT @ Blk208 hougang st21 have male room 480-520 ,single room $580 -680.no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

Lanvender MRT @ Blk1 Maude Road have male room 450-520 ,single room $580-650.no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638

Queenstown MRT @ Blk165 bukit Merah central have male room 480 ,single room $580-650.no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638

Lavender MRT have male room,Single room, share room $480-520 - 650 .no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638

Potong Pasir MRT have male room,Single room, share room $480-520 - 650 .no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638

Yew tee mrt @ blk 611 choa chu kang st62 have male room 3 in one room .

Lakeside MRT @ BLK 471 jurong west st41 have female master room

玛丽蒙, 后港,亚龙,mountbatten,女皇镇 ,武吉士,湖畔,油池,洪茂桥,杨厝港,蔡厝港, 大巴窑,囖美娜,劳明达,地铁男生房间,小房间,女生间主人房非中介费,无屋主,全包了,有工人打扫卫生,没有中介费,没有限制,出入自由,马国人宿舍,whatsapp: 85339119

网站销售产品 网站商店 找合作伙伴

Cafe, 大小店 ,泡泡茶 $1xxx,手推车 和黄格$25出租,地点好 人潮旺 ! 多个地点 无人售卖亭出租whatsapp 85339119


免费找房客,屋主请 whatsapp 85339119, Free find tenant ,owner whatsapp 85339119.for Yellow box,shop house,F&B cafe,stall, Eating house.find tenants singapore

Blk 24 sin ming road 男生2人间 $380 免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119

Cheap Warehouse 100sqft,200sqft $2xx, $3xx

Cheap Factory $5xx ,$8xx, $1xxx

Cheap Kitchen $5xx, $7xx,$1xxx

Cheap F&B Counter $380

whatsapp to 85339119

Blk 126 Bukit Merah lan1 男生2人间主人房间 有自己厕所 $450


湖畔地铁和 油池地铁,主人房单人房间, 男生房 ,女生房, 小房出租,非中介费,无屋主,全包

无屋主!非中介费!超大公寓设施齐全,女生房间,小房,主人房,男生房,夫妻房 普通房,男女搭房,小房间 , 步行湖畔地铁女生房,空调,可以煮 免费找房网:免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119 马上入住 多间。免费找房客,屋主请 whatsapp 85339119, Free find tenant ,owner whatsapp 85339119.

劳明达和武吉士地铁,男生房,小房出租,有空调,没屋主,没中介费,可煮 ,免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119

义廊西有 主人房,小房,搭房,男女房间,女生房,小房间 !!!

出租超大房 ,男搭房步行 湖畔地铁站(1人)

509 Jurong west st42, Master Room,small room,male share room , female room, near Lakeside MRT !! call 8223 2252

Novena, Ang mo kio, Orchard, 劳明达和武吉士, 地铁,男生房,小房出租,有空调,没屋主,没中介费,可煮 ,免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119

新加坡 免费找房网 免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119


Lakeside MRT @ Blk 471 jurong wesy st 41 and 549 jurong west st 42 have male room female room & share room, single room.$350-$380, 550,650

No owner No agent fee and can cook, cleaner cleaning up the house also, whatsapp 85339119

Cheap Room Rent other location:>Yew tee, Ang Mo Kio, Balestier, Bugis, Lavender, chinatown, Lakeside,jurong west, farrer part, little india,jalan besar, Rochor,bendeemer, Toa Payoh, Boon keng, Kallang, Queenstown , Redhill , woodland, potong pasir, choa chu kang MRT have Male Room $300-$380 female room ,share rm ,> Masterroom @ bukit merah< whatsapp 85339119

Novena ,Yew tee, Ang Mo Kio, Balestier, Bugis, Lavender, chinatown, Lakeside,jurong west, farrer part, little india,jalan besar, Rochor,bendeemer, Toa Payoh, Boon keng, Kallang, Queenstown , Redhill , woodland, potong pasir, choa chu kang MRT have Male Room $300-$380 female room ,share rm ,> Masterroom @ bukit merah< whatsapp 85339119


好地点》小食店,餐馆 $2XXX,/$3XXX,/$4XXX 都有。泡泡茶店,甜品店 $1XXX 小店$9XX,糕店 面包店 好地点$3XX, $5XX, $7xx 厨房出租 都有》WHATSAPP :85339119

油池,蔡厝港$260, Novena, 红茂桥&波东巴西地铁,男生房间,女生间,小房间,普通房,,非中介费,无屋主,全包

璧山,女皇镇地铁,男生房,女生房 没屋主可煮没中费 126 bukit merah1

Novena地铁 男生房间 女生房出租没屋主可煮没中费whatsapp 85339119

文里地铁 男生房间 女生房出租没屋主可煮没中费,靠近老文里。whatsapp 85339119

劳明达和武吉士地铁,男生房,小房出租,有空调,没屋主,没中介费,可煮 ,whatsapp 85339119

玛丽蒙地铁 24 sin ming road 男生2人一边房 ,2人间 马上入住。》

》女皇镇地铁,女生房,男/女搭房,普通房,主人房间,小房出租 whatsapp 85339119 地铁有冷气 男生房 ,女生房, 出租,无屋主非,没中介费,可以报地址。 82232252 Blk 24 Sin Ming Road..

有家私衣橱冰箱 ,热水 和洗衣机, 1000 网 设施齐全. 水电网全包, 没有屋主, 没有中介费 可以煮饭,定期有人打扫。4个卫生间。

》蔡厝港 有男生房间出租 $260 电:whatsapp 85339119,, 男生房, 马上入住, 无屋主!非中介费 衣橱冰箱 ,热水 和洗衣机, 1000 网 设施齐全. 水电网全包

《马国人免费找房网 & 马国人免费找工作网 》可以报地址 ,找工作 找房间 。


》冷气 油池 地铁,主人房,男生房或女生房,普通房,学生房,男生搭房,女生搭房或夫妻房,佣人房,小房,无屋主!非中介费,免费找房网 sgfreepost .com 马上入住。

-湖畔地铁有男生房间马国人 无屋主!!!非中介! !免费找房网!whatsapp 85339119 --- 2人1室 有家私衣橱冰箱 ,热水 和洗衣机, 1000 网 设施齐全. 水电网全包 油池地铁,双层公寓,在蔡厝港有超大夫妻房和有大单间普通房间,主人房,小房出租可以煮饭

》湖畔地铁 男生房间 280,单人房间 300-350 出租,马上入住

长期 短期。

》蔡厝港地铁 有缅甸男生房间出租 $260 电whatsapp 85339119

无屋主!非中介费!超大公寓设施齐全女生房,男生房,夫妻房间,步行地铁分钟,可煮,水电和网络1000wifi whatsapp 85339119 无屋主!非中介!超大公寓设施齐全男搭房,步行地铁蔡出港,主人房,小房,搭房 whatsapp 85339119 义廊西有 主人房,小房,搭房,男女房间,一房一厅小房间 !!! 出租超大房 ,男搭房步行 油池地铁站(1人) 有意者请联系:whatsapp 85339119 (Whatsapp 也能) 下楼步行1分钟就是, 24小时kopitiam, minimarket, clinic,playground 小煮。


房间不靠走廊, 大型6房组屋,宽敞明亮 屋内设施齐全,洗衣机、热水器.(Complete with washing machine, water heaters)

》店面$1xxx , 办公室$5xx, 黄格$25 ,手推车$30, 手机店$20,水果摊$50xx, 咖啡店$5xxx 出租 85339119 > $580

